Learn all about Traditional Japanese Koji Fermentations.
Miso, Sake, Shoyu, Mirin, Anazake, Rice Koji, Barley Koji, Soybean Koji...and more!

Learn about Koji Fermentation, in a traditional way

Fermented foods are a hot topic these days. Did you know that Almost all of the seasonings using for Japanese cusine are made from koji?

Knowing about koji fermatation lead you to know about Japanese. I would like to lead you from this point to know about yourself, and your background. What you’ve eaten in your life is what you create now.

Learn Together, while learn privately

Although this is online class that you can work on your own pace, you can connect with other students through community. So, you can see how other people does and help and encourage each other.   In addition, you can discuss directly with me as private lesson.

What will I learn from this program?

In this program, you will learn how to make basic condiments that you need for Japanese cuisine made by koji fermentation.

As it called Koji Advisor Program, you will learn lots of views from teacher's side.  That being said, you need to have more knowledge  and information than usual.

Koji Advisor Program
2024(1st year)

The first semester begins in January and ends in April
You will prepare 6 basic koji products (3 kinds of miso (rice, barley, and red) mirin, doburoku, and soy sauce.

In the second semester (May, June), students will try fundimental basics of : Rice Koji and Bodaimoto(sake making)

In the third semester (September to December), You will make not only rice koji but also barley and bean koji and prepare koji products using different koji.
In Dec you will try making Osechi, you will need to understand cleary the function of each koji products, so that you can think how to use them

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Koji Advisor Program
Semester Three

Ideally, run Sep to Dect

In the third semester, you will start the process of making koji and prepare koji products made in the cold season in the first semester again. we will check the finished koji products made in the first semester and expand our knowledge further.

-Koji for shoyu + shoyu preparation
-Koji for Mirin (sweet sake) + Mirin making
-Barley koji + barley miso preparation
-Soybean Koji + Aka Miso preparation
-Osechi -Recognize how all koji products are used through traditional Japanese New Year dishes.

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If you would like to know more than you can learn from Books and searching, 

It's hard to keep continue to achieve your goal by yourself. If you are busy person, an online class is the perfect place to learn as you can choose the time and place to spend for your study.

In addition, you can connect with me directly.  More you ask question, more you will learn.  It's up to you how much you would like to go deep!  

If you're interested in taking the program

Please request a Zoom meeting to talk more about the Koji Advisor Program! 
I will answer all of the questions you may have including koji fermentation